All proposals must be received via email no later than May 6, 2024

Los Angeles County Psychological Association
36th Annual Convention

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Featured Afternoon Speaker:
Dr. Derald Wing Sue
Racism in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Illuminate and Disarm

Click Here To Submit Your 2024 Convention Presentation Application 


  • Submission Requirements please review these instructions carefully:
  • Proposals must be submitted through the application above
  • OR via email as a word file. 
    You may download an application and submit via email by clicking here 
  • or contact the LACPA office, complete the questions on the application and email your application, CV, and photo to the LACPA office [email protected].
  • Proposals that do not follow the application format and/or are missing information will be returned without consideration.  
  • No honorarium is provided for convention presenters. If presenters plan to attend the full convention, registration, at a discounted rate, is required. 
  • Reasonable A/V equipment will be provided if the event is held in person.
  • Multimedia presentations are required
  • The LACPA Convention Committee is accepting proposals on all topics.
  • Attendees have expressed interest in programs on:

    Considerations Related to Telehealth
    Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
    Impact of the Pandemic
    Innovative Therapeutic Techniques
    Neuropsychological (and other) Assessments
    New Research with Implications for Practice
    Prevention and Treatment of Domestic Violence
    Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse
    Research and Applications of Mindfulness
    Use of Technology in Mental Health Settings

  • Multicultural perspectives on all topics are welcomed.
  • Proposals will be reviewed by the LACPA Convention Committee.
  • Please note that the Committee receives a large number of submissions and some are on the same topic. Therefore, broad clinical appeal and uniqueness of approach do help a presentation stand out. Upon request, a sample Convention Proposal Rating Sheet is available. This sheet serves as a broad gauge used by the Committee for proposal selection. The Committee also makes its decision based on the following guidelines:
  • Proposals should reflect intermediate to advanced levels of learning, the more advanced the better;
  • A limited number of presentations will be selected;
  • Proposal topics should be based upon clearly stated educational goals and objectives;
  • Proposals should reflect applicability and relevance to doctoral-level psychologists in the areas of clinical practice, theory, research, and methodology;
  • Proposals should demonstrate how the presentation will be organized in order to best facilitate the learning process for attendees;
  • Proposals should be objective (i.e., not reflecting any commercial views of the provider or presenter or anyone giving financial assistance to the provider or presenter);
  • Proposals should be accompanied by a syllabus that contains instructional objectives, learning methods (i.e., lecture, slideshow, DVD/video, case material, etc.), and an outline of the major points to be presented;
  • Should you require assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to call the LACPA office at 818-905-0410.
  • All proposals must be received via email no later than May 6, 2024. 
  • All presentations will be for a two-hour time frame.
  • There is a maximum of two presenters and one moderator per session.

For consideration, convention proposals must include:

  • Completed Application - sent as word doc or pre-filled PDF
  • Section E. of the application: authorization by all presenters,chairs, moderators named on the application
  • Abstract - maximum of 50 words - sent as word doc
  • Course Goals and Educational Objectives, Course Outline & References - sent as word doc
  • Bio (maximum 60 words) for each presenter - sent as word doc
  • CV of each presenter (may be pdf)
  • One headshot photograph of each presenter (233 KB or higher jpg file required)
Submit all of the above materials HERE
or email to [email protected]
Contact us at  [email protected]      818-905-0410