The Find a Therapist Web Search is open to the public.
A professional listing on the LACPA Find a Therapist Web Search is a valuable LACPA membership benefit.
If you wish to be listed on the LACPA Find a Therapist Web Search, please select the membership with Find a Therapist option for $50.
Please note, full practice information will be included only for licensed California Psychologists and other licensed mental health providers that are eligible for this benefit.
LACPA provides an option for those who would like to list their Email, and Professional Website addresses. The Website provided must include the individual’s license number.
Searches may be made by an individual’s last name or by city, e.g., Los Angeles 90025, Northridge, Long Beach, Whittier. Please note that all zip codes starting with 900 will be listed as Los Angeles.



It is also possible to search for specific treatment types, ages of patients seen, problems treated and topics addressed, and methods for treatment by using the advanced search.



You are able to upload a photo and make changes to your listing at any time.


Click Here for Instructions on How to Edit Your Find a Therapist Profile and Add a Photo