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Virtual Assessment Special Interest Group
Monday, September 14, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
Category: Special Interest Groups

During the months of September and October 
LACPA is opening its Clubs, 
Networking, and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to non-members.
Please be sure to RSVP to for the events.


The Assessment SIG is back! 

And this month, it's open to non-members, too! 

So bring a buddy to our event.


After several successful meetings, we've decided to hold another meeting so we can help one another stay apprised of all the ever-evolving developments regarding assessment during the pandemic. 


We'll be introducing ourselves briefly before opening the "floor" for members to ask questions and learn from one another. 


What: Virtual Assessment SIG Meeting

When: Monday, September 14th from 12-1 pm

Where: Zoom


To RSVP, click here.

RSVP's will close on September 12th. 

Confirmation email with the Zoom URL will be sent out on September 12th.

If you don't receive an email on 12th, please check your spam folder.



"The opinions of presenters at informal forums, such as Special Interest Groups (SIGs) or club meetings, and their approach to psychological issues and interventions do not represent a formal endorsement of any position by the Los Angeles County Psychological Association or its members.  The opinions, ideas, and concepts expressed are purely those of the presenter."