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Virtual Assessment Special Interest Group
Monday, June 17, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PDT
Category: Special Interest Groups

Dear Colleagues,
We look forward to seeing you at our LACPA Assessment SIG Meeting on Monday, March 18, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM
Our planned topic is: "Expert Assessment Cases and Testimony." This is an open forum; all LACPA members are invited to participate and listen. Additionally, during March and April, non-members are invited as well.
New Rule: Because the meeting qualifies for CPD Credit for 1 hour, you must participate with your video turned on. If you cannot participate in this manner, you will be exited from the meeting after a reminder.
To join our meeting, please click here to register.
You will receive a link to the meeting on Friday before our meeting and again on Monday morning via Google Calendar. We will be using Google Meet for the telemeeting.
I look forward to seeing you there. Contact me if you have any questions.
Bruce M. Gale, PhD