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Virtual Child & Adolescent Special Interest Group
Thursday, June 20, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Category: Special Interest Groups

Join LACPA’s Child and Adolescent SIG meeting!

SIG zoom meeting June 20, 12:00 – 1:00 Pacific Time

Harnessing Hidden Potential: Empowering Twice-Exceptional Students Beyond Traditional Classrooms 

This presentation will spotlight innovative educational practices that transcend conventional classroom boundaries and are designed explicitly for twice-exceptional students. Sam Young, Head of School of a 2E program called Young Scholars Academy, will delve into creating strength-based, engaging learning environments.

The session will feature real-world applications, showcasing strength-identification strategies and educational approaches. This interactive discussion aims to equip professionals with practical tools and insights, enhancing their ability to support twice-exceptional learners.

Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of strength-based educational philosophies and actionable strategies, as well as tangible resources that can be immediately applied to their practices.

SIG zoom meeting June 12, 12:30 – 1:30 Pacific Time

Topic: Harnessing Hidden Potential: Empowering Twice-Exceptional Students Beyond Traditional Classrooms 

Presenter: Sam Young, M.Ed., is the Head of School at Young Scholars Academy, a strength-based, virtual enrichment school that supports twice-exceptional, differently-wired, and gifted students to thrive.

Sam is a two-time Fulbright Scholar, a TEDx speaker, and a neurodivergent person himself who has committed his life to supporting differently-wired students to overcome the harmful deficit-based system and discover, develop, and lead their lives with their strengths, talents, and unique interests!

Location:  ZOOM

RSVP to:  Daniel Franklin, PhD, at [email protected] or call (310) 571-1176 

SIG meetings are open to all LACPA members.  Nonmembers wishing to attend may join LACPA by visiting our website www.lacpa.org

Daniel Franklin, Ph.D., LACPA Board of Directors

"The opinions of presenters at informal forums, such as Special Interest Groups (SIGs) or club meetings, and their approach to psychological issues and interventions do not represent a formal endorsement of any position by the Los Angeles County Psychological Association or its members. The opinions, ideas, and concepts expressed are purely those of the presenter."

Contact: [email protected]