Job Board Information:All listings need to be submitted to the LACPA office at [email protected] Questions? Contact the office at [email protected] or 818-905-0410
Job Listings - Free For Members - Website listing only
Ads need to be submitted as a word doc to [email protected]
Title for position must be listed at the beginning of the ad.
Logos can be placed with an ad, however, they must be submitted separately as a jpg file.
100 word maximum. $10 for any part of any additional 10 word increment over the 100 word limit.
Links to websites available.
Ads are posted for two months and then automatically removed. If ads need to come down sooner, please notify us. Ads can be renewed.
Licenses numbers must be posted. If under supervision, your license number along with your supervisor's name and license number must be listed.
Posting Resumes - Free for Members - Website listing only
Resumes need to be submitted as a PDF file to [email protected]
The title to be listed under the resume link must be submitted in email. (i.e. Licensed Psychologist Specializes in Couple Therapy)
There is a 50 word maximum for the title. $10 for any part of any additional 10 word increment over the 50 word limit. Resumes are posted for two months and then automatically removed.
Licenses numbers must be listed. If under supervision, license number along with supervisor's name and their license number must be listed.
Job Listings - For Non-Members - Website and/or magazine
All ads need to be submitted as a word doc to [email protected]
Current per word pricing for classified ads:
Minimum on website is $45; $1.80 per word for four weeks.
Minimum on website and magazine is $55; $2.40 per word for eight weeks on the website.
Logos can be placed on the website only, however, they must be submitted separately as a jpg file.
No word maximum.
No resumes posted for non-members.