Website Advertising
The Website is updated every Friday (Monday, if a holiday falls on Friday).
Display Advertising:
Web Display Advertising with LACPA
Advertise on the LACPA Website (
Home Page Display Ad rates:
$175 per month $473 3/months $893 6/months
(220 pixels wide x 220 pixels high – jpg file required) A link to your website will be available.
For more information, contact the LACPA office at [email protected] or 818-905-0410.
Classified Ads:
Classified ad listed on the Website for four weeks, beginning with the date of upload. No photos will be listed with classified ads.
Member: $1.50 per word Minimum charge $35
Non-Member: $1.80 per word Minimum charge $45
Combination Website and The Los Angeles Psychologist
Classified ads listed on Website for eight weeks, beginning with the date of upload and in the next upcoming issue of The Los Angeles Psychologist
Member: $2.00 per word Minimum charge $45
Non-Member: $ 2.40 per word Minimum charge $55
All classified ads must be emailed as a Word file (no PDF files) to [email protected].
Advertisements will not be taken over the phone. Changes to ads will not be accepted once they are submitted. The deadline for the Website ad is Wednesday 4:00 P.M. prior to the Friday you wish the ad to appear.
You may call in your credit card information to the LACPA office at 818-905-0410.
Advertising categories available to all are Office Space, Professional Opportunities, Miscellaneous, and Continuing Education Programs. Ads for office space must begin with the city of location.
Advertisement for continuing education courses must state the source and status of the credit at the time the ad is submitted.
Advertisements or ads linking to sites with material deemed "objectionable” by the Los Angeles County Psychological Association will not be accepted. The acceptability of an ad is based on legal, social, professional, and ethical considerations. Ads must be in keeping with the professional nature of the publication. The Publications Committee reserves the right to refuse advertising for the purpose of airing either side of controversial social, ethical, or professional issues.
Group Therapy ads are available only to LACPA members as part of The Los Angeles Psychologist and website. All advertising for mental health services must include the practitioner's license number. One 30 word Group Therapy ad may be placed per issue at no charge; $10 will be charged for any part of any additional 10-word increment. Additional Group Therapy ads may be placed at the rate of $10 for 30 words with an additional $10 for any part of any additional 10-word increment. Group Therapy ads must be identified by group type: Mixed, Men’s, Women’s, Special, or Consultation/Study.
Advertising Information for The Los Angeles Psychologist
Quarterly Magazine and Web Site
The Los Angeles Psychologist magazine
Display Advertising
Deadlines are at noon*:
November 1 - Winter Issue (December/January/February)
February 1 - Spring Issue (March/April/May)
May 1 - Summer Issue (June/July/August)
August 1 - Fall Issue (September/October/November)
*If the first of the month falls on a weekend, the first Monday of the month is then the deadline date.
Payment must be received by the deadline date. You may call in your credit card information to the LACPA office at 818-905-0410.
Advertising categories available to all are Office Space, Professional Opportunities, Miscellaneous, and Continuing Education Programs. Ads for office space must begin with the city of location.
Advertisements or ads linking to sites with material deemed "objectionable” by the Los Angeles County Psychological Association will not be accepted. The acceptability of an ad is based on legal, social, professional, and ethical considerations. Ads must be in keeping with the professional nature of the publication. The Publications Committee reserves the right to refuse advertising for the purpose of airing either side of controversial social, ethical, or professional issues.
Display Rates and Ad Sizes
Width x Height in inches
Full Page Color (inside front or inside back covers)
Full Page Color (within the body of the magazine) Full Page B/W (within the body of the magazine)
8.5 X 11 plus bleed of 1/8 in all the way around
8.5 X 11 plus bleed of 1/8 in all the way around
Half Page Color Half Page B/W
7.5 X 4.5
$316 $275
$396 $345
Quarter Page Color Quarter Page B/W
3.625 X 4.5
$164 $143
$205 $179
Business Card Color Business Card B/W (Available for members only)
3.5 X 2 |
$63 $55
- All display ads must be submitted as a PDF file, via email ([email protected]). For B&W ads we require a black and white or grayscale PDF file. For all display ads be sure to select the features that will embed all the fonts and images into the file. Export the file in high resolution (at least 300 dots per inch).
- Ads that do not conform to specifications (width X height) will need to be modified and resubmitted.
- Display advertisements appear throughout the publication.
- Advertisers may receive a 15% discount on display advertising when an order is placed for four succeeding issues and total payment is received in advance.
- California law mandates that advertisements for courses offering Continuing Education for Psychologists clearly indicate the provider's name, the course title, number of credit hours, and the name of the accrediting agency.
- Psychologists and those who imply that they are a psychologist must include their license number when advertising in the Los Angeles Psychologist. Psychologists who, by state law, are not required to be licensed (e.g., academic, out of state and not practicing in California) must include an appropriate credential.
- Payment must be received by the deadline date.
- Member rates are for member ads - advertising their practice, service, or item. Must have the member's name and license number (when required) in their ad.
Member Rate
$1.00 per word with a minimum charge of $25
Non-Member Rate
$1.20 per word with a minimum charge of $35
- Classified advertisements are listed in the back of the publication under one of the following categories: Office Space, Miscellaneous, Continuing Education, or Professional Opportunities.
- Ads for Office Space must begin with the name of the city in which the office space is located.
- All classified ad copy will be accepted only in word form (no PDF files).
- No advertisements will be taken over the phone.
- No photos will be listed with classified ads.
- Changes to ads will not be accepted once they are submitted.
- Payment must be received by the deadline date. You may call in your credit card information to the LACPA office 818-905-0410.
- Member rates are for member ads - advertising their practice, service, or item. Must have the member's name and license number (when required) in their ad.
Classified Advertising Deadlines are at noon*:
November 1 - Winter Issue (December/January/February)
February 1 - Spring Issue (March/April/May)
May 1 - Summer Issue (June/July/August)
August 1 - Fall Issue (September/October/November)
For Members Only:
Group Therapy Ads are available to LACPA members only. All advertising for mental health services must include the practitioner's license number. One 30 word Group Therapy ad may be placed per issue at no charge; $10 will be charged for any part of any additional 10-word increment. Additional Group Therapy ads may be placed at the rate of $10 for 30 words with an additional $10 for any part of any additional 10-word increment. Listed under one of the following categories: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Mixed Groups or Consultation/Study Groups.
LACPA Members only may place a business card (3.5" W X 2" H) advertisement for $50 per issue or $165 for four issues if payment is made in advance.
Combination Website and The Los Angeles Psychologist classified ads:
Classified ads listed on Website for eight weeks, beginning with the date of upload and in the next upcoming issue of The Los Angeles Psychologist
Member: $2.00 per word Minimum charge $45
Non-Member: $2.40 word Minimum charge $55